Jul 1, 2020, 4:00 – 6:00 PM (UTC)
Welcome to our next online event for Slack enthusiasts! We are going to talk about creating and handling shortcuts and how to effectively communicate remotely.
Welcome to our next online Amsterdam Slack Platform Community gathering! We are going to talk about creating and handling shortcuts and remote communication with teams.
We have Colm from Slack and Rayta from YoungCapital NL joining us to share their best practices. Please find full agenda below in the event details.
What you can learn from this event? If you like your routine automated, your tasks quickly generated and you work with lots of external services then join our discussion and learn some tips. And if you are looking for ways to make your remote communication effective from the development point of view, then you will find some answers in Rayta's talk.
We strive for our community events to be practical, about your current interests, and of course fun so hope to see you there!
Developer Relations Lead, EMEA
Developer and Scrum Master
Wednesday, July 1, 2020
4:00 PM – 6:00 PM (UTC)
Welcome & Introduction |
Rayta van Rijswijk |
Q&A |
Colm Doyle |
Q&A |
Networking |