Jan 31, 2020, 12:00 – 2:00 AM (UTC)
This is the first Slack Platform Community meetup for the Minneapolis Chapter. We will have two short talks about Slack and the future of work, we will network, and we will ultimately set a charter for the the goals/objectives of the chapter for 2020 - come be a part of the movement!
This is the first Slack Platform Community meetup for the Minneapolis Chapter. We will have two short talks about Slack and the future of work, we will network, and we will ultimately set a charter for the the goals/objectives of the chapter for 2020 - come be a part of the movement! All welcome - platform extenders, developers, curious Slack users, evangelists, admins, app designers, friends of Slack.
Goals: Network, learn a little about the future of work, chart the path ahead for the MSP SPC Group.
Free food and beverages
Free awesome new Slack friends
Free high fives
Friday, January 31, 2020
12:00 AM – 2:00 AM (UTC)
Director of Partnerships