Join us to learn more about how to safeguard your privacy and mitigate risk!
Virtual event
Hello Slack Enthusiasts,
Frank is a Tech-Lawyer & InfoSec consultant who founded Fresh Compliance and Ubiscore. He will show how to keep an eye on privacy, and give some actionable best practices on Dos and Don‘ts to keep you safe. Vasily is a founder of apaleo, and will showcase how tech-driven hospitality companies can use the open source Slack Bot by apaleo to support daily operations.
Featured Presentation
Frank Trautwein
@ Fresh Compliance
Managing Director
Vasily Geyer
@ apaleo
Software Engineer and Founder
Tuesday, May 18, 2021 4:00 PM – 5:00 PM (UTC)
4:00 PM
Meet and greet
Introduction of the Slack Chapter, hellos and welcomes.
4:10 PM
Dos and Don‘ts while using messaging platforms in your organisation
Frank is a Tech-Lawyer & InfoSec consultant who founded Fresh Compliance and Ubiscore, he will show how to keep an eye on users privacy and give some actionable best practice on Dos and Don‘ts
4:30 PM
Managing hotelier's daily operations using a Slack Bot
Vasily founder of apaleo will show case how tech-driven hospitality companies can use the open source apaleo's slack bot to support daily operations
4:50 PM
Social networking and icebreaks
This is our chance to get to know each other a bit better and share our experiences.