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Slack AMA: Rukmini Reddy, VP of Platform Engineering at Slack

Slack Community HQ

Jul 22, 2021, 5:00 – 6:00 PM (UTC)

Rukmini Reddy, VP of Platform Engineering at Slack. We'll be hosting an ask-me-anything session in the Slack workspace. This event will take place entirely in Slack.

Virtual event
DevelopersSlack APIs


Hello Slack Enthusiasts,

Rukmini Reddy is the VP of Platform Engineering at Slack.

She joined Slack last year to lead teams that deliver exceptional first-party and third-party app experience, as well as drive the vision of Workflow Builder, Slack's no-code automation tool. Before Slack, she was VP of Engineering at Abstract, Model N, and other enterprise SaaS companies.

Her experience as an immigrant, a woman, and a developer with nearly 15 years of technical experience, have prepared her to lead large and diverse engineering teams, and forge genuine human connections with her colleagues. She is based in the San Francisco Bay Area and has been juggling work and home-school like most parents since 2020 for her 8-year-old twin boys.

Would you like to learn more about the vision for Workflow Builder? Perhaps you're curious about the changes Rukmini has seen in her time in tech? Rukmini is here to answer your questions!

Join us in the Slack workspace for an ask-me-anything 

How it will work

  1. If you aren't already in the community workspace, you'll need to join us in Slack (check your RSVP confirmation email for the link!).
  2. Once you're in the workspace, join #slack-ama.
  3. Click on the blue lightning bolt in the message composer. It's on the left of the input box.
  4. Select the "Ask AMA question" workflow. This will open a dialog box where you can add your question.
  5. Your question will post into the AMA channel.
  6. The team will answer the question in the thread.

About the Slack Community HQ chapter

This community is open to people from any industry and background who have an interest in the Slack platform. We can't wait to meet you!

Gentle Reminder

All attendees are expected to behave respectfully and appropriately, including during casual conversations. By attending or joining the workspace, you agree to follow these expectations. If you or anyone you notice feel uncomfortable, please reach out to the organizers. Please review the Code of Conduct before the event.


Featured Presentation


  • Rukmini Reddy


    Senior Vice President of Engineering


  • Niamh Gorry


    Community Manager



Thursday, July 22, 2021
5:00 PM – 6:00 PM (UTC)


Start asking questions!
AMA ends


  • Jacob Gross


    Community @ Slack

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